The enchanting south village


Average Distance: 8 KM

Estimated time: 2.5 hrs

Coyoacan is a peaceful charming small town right inside our busy city. In the streets one can see enchanting old style houses painted in brilliant colors, with wooden doors, and beautiful gardens and they are surrounded by small hidden peaceful parks with lots of plants and flowers. 

We can admire its stone cobbled streets, churches, places devoted to cultural activities, Mexican restaurants, and traditional food and handicraft markets. 

This fascinating place was home of many interesting people like Frida Kahlo and Octavio Paz. 

For sure this route will make you run out of breath but not due to the altitude of the city or for our pace while running but for what you will feel once we visit the favorite place for runners from the south of Mexico City, "Viveros de Coyoacán". 

Tourists spots on the route

Starting time

Our suggested time is 6:30 a.m.

Meeting point

Blue House Museum Frida Kahlo


- 60 USD if 1 runner- 50 USD per person if 2 runners- 40 USD per person if groups of 3 or more runners
Payment Methods: Cash or PayPal
Price includes:
-A guided running tour.-A small water bottle per participant.-Digital pictures.