Run in Monterrey
Aren't you sure about which route to choose?
If you are not familiar with the places mentioned in our suggested routes, or if you need an advice to choose among our options, contact us and let us help you to decide which would be the best route for you according to where will you stay, the distance you would like to cover, the kind of environment that you enjoy (nature, modernity, culture, historical, etc.), and your main purpose of doing the running tour (maybe you are training for an event, or you are just looking to visit the city in a fun way).
Would you like to change the time or distance?
In case you need it, we may adapt the tour time and distance either shorting it to your needs, or extend it to cover up to 15 km and/or up to 3 hrs.
Are you staying near the route?
If you are staying in walking distance from the route, we can even start right from outside your door.