Verónica Rivera
I am Eva Verónica. History fan, traveler, triathlete, amateur photographer, accountant, MBA graduate, I love dogs and I am the founder of Mexico Running Tours.
I have been a runner for about 15 years. As many runners I started with 5 km races without too much training, eventually my joy for running developed and I decided to train and to do marathons, triathlons, ultramarathons and even Ironman events. Up to now I have completed many races and triathlons, 5 international marathons, one ultramarathon of 50 km, and a 70.3 Ironman competition.
I have always loved to travel to places with great landscapes and after I started to run an additional reason to choose my destination for a next trip was to participate in a race, a marathon or a triathlon. When I participated in a marathon in Amsterdam I discovered the running tours concept. The event organizers invited the runners to get to know the most emblematic places of the city center by running. Wow! I simply loved it!
Inspired by the experience in Amsterdam in 2015 I started the project of Mexico Running Tours and my life changed completely. In the process to prepare the routes and the information to provide to visitors I became a tourist and a fan of my own city. I already loved Mexico City but after guiding hundreds of runners and walkers in different areas I have learnt so much and appreciate every single detail I missed when I used to be like most of the citizens of any big metropolis, someone who does not realize the beauty of the places around because they are simply too close. Now I love more than ever my city and my Mexico.
Let me guide you to enjoy my city, no matter if you are a local or you are a visitor, I am sure you will learn a new way to appreciate the places while we do what we already do in common which is simply running.